lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

August 15th: The Owl Nebula reveals resources that are depleted, but the Sun, Venus and Ceres come to the rescue bringing strength and expanding horizons

August 15th:  The Sun conjunct Venus and the Owl Nebula (M97), in contraparallel to Ceres. The Owl Nebula is a dying star with an associated nebula in the constellation Ursa Major. It means, among other things, depletion of resources. The transit of the Sun, Venus and Ceres making contact with M97 indicates the need to supply areas where something is needed: in the kitchen, in the workshop, at the office, in the gas tank... You can also compensate a poor nutrition with a good diet, taking care of areas that have been abandoned, sharing your wealth; wheter small or big, generously share with those in need. Material supplies, while being the most urgent, are not the only ones that can be shared. The Owl Nebula also stimulates strongly philosophy, science, culture and trascendent thinking, so you can also enrich your spirit by cultivating it and expanding your mental horizon as well as others'.

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