lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

September 5th: Giving value to the past, adjustments in everyday life, directing potentially destructive energy

September 5th: Mercury in parallel to Jupiter and opposed to the Veil Nebula points to the possibility of seeing our past with an objective vision and rescue the valuable elements  we can find in it. This combination favors travel, sales, studies and helps having an optimistic vision...but it also repesents indiscretion. The Sun at 144° from Vesta, at 135° from Pallas and at 30° from Juno indicates a moment for doing repairs, and for general adjustments, particularly in relationships. We must be patient and flexible, but this can make things better after pushing exactly where the shoe pinches... Excellent trend for anything that has to do with maintenance... Mars in parallel to Hades is an imprtant event from the point of view of Uranian Astrology (Hamburg School), which indicates a momentarily intensification of destructive tendencies. These can be found in nature or come from human society. Anyhow, there's always destruction in the universe, but it is necessary to become aware of this trend so we don't need to be exposed to danger, at least during the next 7 days. In order to direct positively Hades influence, there are some recommended activities. Recycle trash or other resources, make a compost in the garden, eat and prepare organic food, do a deep cleansing at home or in the office, and avoid contact with negative people or with situations that compromise your personal security..

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