lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011

August 8th: Mars energizes our lives, but aggressivity must be avoided; Juno and galaxy M49 help to harmonize and express solidarity.

August 8th: Mars trines Chiron, squares Juno and is 150° from Pallas. The most energetic planet in the solar system pours dynamism into our daily lives and can be very useful to start the week. This energy can be directed to improve health, to study and manage academic issues, to adjust ideas to material reality, to calm disturbed emotions, to perform domestic work. This trend is particularly suitable for making a good cleansing, getting rid of what is not needed and then recycle items that can be useful for others. Still, one must avoid aggressive behavior, as touchiness is strong and getting engaged in provocations would have negative consequences.
Juno is conjunct galaxy M49 and is at 144° from Jupiter, which indicates that close relationships require more attention than normal. This can benefit  team work and also any relationship where there is closeness, whether it is friendship, family or work, because -at least today-  union will create strength. However, power games can ruin what otherwise could be a stable interaction. In general, we must give love and care to fulfill emotional or material needs of our loved ones, or the planet. We are not alone on this Earth; now is the best time to show solidarity!

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