miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018

January 31: Lunar Eclipse conjunct Ceres and stellar cluster M67 is a wake up call in order to integrate and develop female values in a society structured on power

     As noted in previous releases of the Galactic Guide, half of the planets and main asteroids are in one hemisphere of the clestial sphere, while the other is occupied by Ceres alone -actually with the North Lunar Node, which symbolizes the direction of evolution. This represents a strong focus on feminine values, represented so well by Ceres, an archetype so hurt by different civilizations, and particularly ours, with our destructive relationship with Mother Nature. Well, the lunar eclipse falls exactly on Ceres, making the signal stronger. 

The Lunar eclipse, showed here as the Moon, falls exactly on the same zodiacal degree as Ceres, pointing to the feminine values she represents.

      The message is: humans, you won't get away with it, pay attention to nature and feminine values. The time lapse of the eclipse is about six months, so feminine power (which is not necessarily woman power) is likely to be onstage. For what? In order to revise the very roots of cruelty and fight for power in our civilization. The Lunar Eclipse happens in ecliptic conjunction with M67, an open cluster of stars in the constellation Cancer. M67 is one of the oldest clusters in our galaxy, as its stars formed about the same time as our solar system. Therefore, it symbolizes old things, traditions, roots. Many of its stars are type G, related to psychological characteristiscs such as self-assertion and the desire for power (violence, submission). 

     Further, 11 K-type orange giants are also prominent, pointing to sexuality and emotional issues (women as sex objects). So, it is clear that our present evolution as a genre depends on the work we can do to rewrite the role our civilization has given to the feminine principle, shared by men and women as well. This battle is not only about women, but also about liberating men from a destructive model! Mother Nature is asking for attention, she is issuing an alarm call, a plea, a request, a demand: traditions need to be updated if they imply violence and submission. On a collective level, we need to stop cruelty towards nature and develop measures of protection instead of fighting. We also need to change the abusive standard which discriminates women. 

      Many events related to this theme will be highlighted in the news in the following months, for sure. To correct all the damage done might take centuries in the best of cases, but as individuals, there's a lot we can accomplish if we reconsider our conduct and switch from abuse, discrimination and power games into a cooperative, nurturing, protective and productive scheme. The Lunar Elipse is pointing to the fact that this is far more important than any personal or social/political issues we may have. 

   We need to work conscously on this. Great and honorable task for the months ahead. It's going to be a real "Female Spring". Good luck!

Carlos Duarte
Research Astrologer

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