martes, 5 de septiembre de 2017

September 5/6: Mercury stationary conjunct to supernova Puppis A, in contra parallel to the Butterfly Nebula (M2-9), reactivates the solar eclipse, blowing our minds while simultaneously allowing introspection and objectivity

      Many comments have been heard recently about this Mercurian retrogradation being very intense and heavy to experience. It is not easy to face the daily difficulties that Mercury involves in its apparent backward movement, just after the turmoil of a very intense solar eclipse coinciding with many disasters around the world, yet to be solved. Another article in the Galactic Guide mentioned the eclipse as a means of confronting and getting over discord. When humanitarian disasters arise, our egos have to be set aside, and it becomes evident that the differences between humans do not actually exist in depth. Social, racial, ideological, nationalist and religious barriers disappear when humanity becomes vulnerable and exposes its true essence through tragedy.

     This situation is likely to continue. Mercury is stationed in the zodiac degree corresponding to the latest solar eclipse (28 ° of tropical Leo), somehow reactivating it, something that has been noticed and commented by numerous astrologers in their blogs. It has also been said that it may involve violence because of the conjunction with Mars. Fortunately, a Mercurian station is a passing phenomenon: in a few days things will probably start to return to normal, while an eclipse's influence lasts approximately six months.

      This reactivation can be explosive in some cases, however, since Mercury is stationary only a degree away of an exact ecliptic conjunction with supernova Puppis A. Supernovae usually indicate drastic changes, and in the present conditions of human civilization and the environment , we are likely to hear some more heartbreaking news. Since Mercury represents communication, we may have to listen to many explosive phrases and a lot of aggression between people in conflict, decadent politicians and social networks...  But that's nothing new.

     Every supernova explosion, from the astrological point of view, creates turmoil, but also brings renewal. Supernovae destroy a previous scheme, usually in an unexpected way,  allowing us to contemplate, through its transformative effect, aspects of reality that we had not perceived until then. Although supernovae have a strong emission of energy at all levels of the electromagnetic spectrum, they are particularly strong on X-rays, which symbolically indicates introspection, awareness of something that had not been seen previously. What shall we learn this time?

     Despite this, and even in an environment so full of agitation, an interesting element arises: Mercury stationary is also in contraparallel to the Butterfly Nebula (M2-9). This means that it is placed at exactly the same distance from the Celestial Equator, only in the other hemisphere, acting as as a scale in equilibrium. The Butterfly Nebula (M2-9), which is in the constellation of Ophiuchus, is actually a star dying, expelling its atmosphere into outer space. As we see it from the Earth from its equatorial plane, we perceive its structure as two particularly symmetrical "butterfly wings". Although its form is complex, the symmetrical appearance of this celestial body suggests objectivity, contemplation of the two sides of a situation.

    So, in spite of the explosive tendencies, the possibility of appreciating things objectively is there. In the world, disasters probably will continue to predominate, but on a personal level we can do introspection and objective analysis of the issues we are handling and the situations we experience. This Mercurian station invites us to reach a good level of mental penetration in our reality, allowing insights and therefore an objective view of circumstances, just as they are. The Butterfly Nebula in particular indicates a process of mental balance, which considers pros and cons, which sees "the two sides of the coin," which considers the other's point of view without minimizing his own, and whose objective is to develop temperance, one of the most absent virtues in the collective human experience today.

     In a world of ideological extremism, objectivity and mental clarity are what is most needed to stop aggression and act constructively despite our differences. As individuals, this Mercury is ideal for research, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, writing and deep reflection on any situation that requires it. The shots of awareness can be strong, but at the same time, refreshing, and discoveries might be surprising and revitalizing.

Carlos Duarte
Research Astrologer

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