lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2017

December 19/20: Saturn transits the December Solstice point, conjunct to star cluster M23 and the Trifid Nebula (M20), indicating conservative restrictions, controlling policies, and an opportunity to get structured

The December Solstice is one of the points on the celestial sphere that have a great astrological significance. The December Solstice is the place where the Sun seems to stop in its movement towards the south of the celestial sphere, and change course, heading from that moment towards the north. This change of direction has an important effect on the seasonal cycle of the year, the vital pulse of the biosphere. Therefore, it is not surprising that many civilizations built their monuments aligned with the points of the sky in which the solstices and also the equinoxes occur.

The December Solstice happens when the shortest day and the longest night occur in the northern hemisphere of the planet. The night, in which we can contemplate a multitude of stars, has a social, collective psichological meaning, while the day, symbolized by the light of the Sun, represents  individual consciousness. The December Solstice is the point that represents society's strength and collectivity, so that any transit of the planets through this point will undoubtedly determine the general atmoisphere, and will coincide with important events around the world.

Saturn, whose tendency tends to be restrictive, enters the solstitial point, showing undoubtedly general restrictions for the world population: the neutrality of the internet is already in danger, for example. If we want to know how Saturn can manifest itself in this important point, we can consider the events that happened in its previous transit, which was in November 1988. They were certainly significant events: George H. Bush is elected president of the United States, Estonia is the first state to declare its sovereignty over the Soviet Union, there were important elections in Canada, Israel and Pakistan, Carlos Salinas assumes the presidency of Mexico (December 1st) ... On one hand, the structure of the Soviet Union begins to crumble, and on the other, the conservative forces in power seem to consolidate. Very Saturnian!

This can be explained by t he fact that, just before passing through the solstitial point, Saturn makes a conjunction with star cluster M23, one of the oldest in the galaxy, with an estimated age of 220 million years. Its age reminds us of the past and, therefore, astrologically represents traditions and conservative tendencies. The combination of Saturn and M23 makes us think of a control with a very conservative approach, and indeed it is clear that the attempt to end net neutrality corresponds to this trend. And in several parts of the world, notably the United States and Mexico, the proclamation of laws that severely limit the freedoms of citizens is the materialization of this Saturnian restriction, enhanced by M23.

Later during the next week, Saturn conjuncts the Trifid Nebula (M20), an interesting and beautiful nebula in the constellation of Sagittarius. Inside the Trifid there is a multiple system of stars among which three giant stars, of very high temperature, dominate. These stars combine their radiation eroding strongly their surroundings, literally melting the walls of the nebula. This symbolizes a very dominant attitude, which, combined with the transit of Saturn, suggests an abusive use of force, and repression. So it is not to be expected that policies whose objective is to have greater control will be relaxed. Not at all.

These are difficult days for the people of the planet, represented by the Winter Solstice (the collectivity), and Saturn in its transit also shows the responsibility that society has in order to fix negative situations. This power can also be through the giant stars of M20: they are of very high temperature, what astrologically speaking points to the use of the higher mind, to a greater consciousness, to a power of conviction and to great ideals. Apparently, it will be necessary to resort to a great ideological power so we can slow or avoid the destruction of the current democratic systems, already deteriorated by history and corruption.

The question is: what role do we play individually in this general scheme? Saturn transiting the solstice point will question our individual responsibility and our sense of commitment to curb policies that restrict human rights. And, on a more personal and practical level, the trend can sbe useful to put a significant  amount of order in our lives, plans, files, homes, minds and emotions. With such a tendency, staying without doing anything can be counterproductive, because, just like in 1988, this seems to be a decisive moment in the history of our civilization ...Happy Holidays! And let Saturn also bring a well-deserved relax!

Carlos Duarte
Research Astrologer

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