lunes, 21 de agosto de 2017

August 21/22: The solar eclipse in opposition to star cluster M15 confronts us with our own human discord and asks us to work on it

      Eclipses are important events from the astrological point of view, as they point to the themes that will predominate in the general environment and in our personal experience during the six months after the celestial event takes place. Terrestrial events related to an eclipse can normally be seen before it actually happens, and this is very true of the solar eclipse of August 21, 2017. The atmosphere in the two weeks before the eclipse is of discord , confrontations, terrorism, disgusting policies, destruction ... Is this indicated by the solar eclipse? What can we do about it?

     The eclipse happens in the 28th degree of the zodiacal sign Leo (tropical Leo, NOT the constellation). On the other side of the celestial sphere, in the constellation of Pegasus, the Winged Horse, is stellar cluster M15. The eclipse and M15 are in ecliptic opposition, which means that the eclipse is itself a factor that balances or contradicts M15. What does M15 represent? To understand it, it is necessary to analyze its physical characteristics. A cluster of stars is similar to a city, in which a large number of individuals coexist in the same space. And just as all cities have rules of traffic and behavior, stars in clusters are regulated by gravitational laws. This causes each star to occupy its space within the gravitational pressure exerted by the others.

     Sometimes, however, as is the case with M15, the gravitational pressure is so great that it collapses, and then the distances and positions of the stars are no longer regulated by collective pressure. Each one moves within the cluster in a more or less anarchic way. In M15, this situation is accentuated by the fact that it contains many stars and objects very different from each other. It has several pulsars (supernova remnants), a planetary nebula (a dying star) and many variable stars that change their luminosity constantly and suggest instability.

     M15 indicates a difficult coexistence, in which rules are broken, anarchy prevails, and the differences between the individuals are more important than the coincidences. M15 is in the 29th degree of the zodiacal sign Aquarius (tropical Aquarius, NOT the constellation), whose tendency is definitely individualistic. That being said, anyone who has been in contact with the news in the last two weeks may realize that the eclipse and its opposition to M15 perfectly describe the awakening of racism and a resurgence of terrorism at an international scale. If this is happening already at the time of the eclipse, it means that this is the trend that will prevail over the next six months. We better be prepared to handle it and transform it.

      An eclipse always leaves us something to work on, both collectively and individually. At the collective level, it is a matter of balancing these destructive tendencies which promote hatred and discord. The eclipse is in opposition to M15, therefore, its task is to balance, to make a counterweight, to resist racism, war and destruction. Taking into account that the eclipse happens in the sign of Leo, the situation becomes dramatic, open, visible and persistent. This is not a single-event phenomenon, the eclipse will last for six months and surely many things related to it will happen. However, as a society, it is our duty to express ourselves firmly to stop the destruction of social structures and natural resources.

     As individuals, we can work out differences with more awareness, purposely directing our energy towards the healing of discord, however small. If we heal ourselves, we are healing the planet, if we heal our relationships, we extend this health. What does "healing" mean here? Understanding that coexistence in freedom is impossible if there is no respect for the basic rights of others. Philosophies that rely on the power of one over another do not work in this scheme, and in fact,  may destroy it. We live in a global civilization, whether we like it or not, and the eclipse asks us to act accordingly. Nationalisms do not work unless we consider the planet as our Great Motherland.

       Somehow, M15 portrays the difficult situation in which we find our civilization: too many people in discord on the same planet. Well, if that's the disease, that's where the cure comes from. Like everything in human experience, M15 has a positive side as well: it is the understanding that everyone has their place and function, and that we can coexist with other people who have different points of view. It may not be so terrible and can be enriching. In the worst of cases, the eclipse will exacerbate existing tensions, forcing those involved to work and constructively resolve their differences. Many will find it difficult to do so.

        In its highest manifestation, M15 speaks of freedom in coexistence. The diversity of ways of life and thought should be a source of cultural enrichment and not of discord. But ego and resentment prevent us from expressing this in a positive way. Well, at least now we will not have pretexts to postpone the necessary work on discord and make personal and collective fronts to protect ourselves and start transcending into a better, kinder social contract, with freedom and without violence.

Carlos Duarte
Research Astrologer
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